Friday, April 6, 2012

Spreading the word and gathering ideas

I spent quite a bit of time this week presenting ideas about our transformational technology project with students, staff, and community members.

On Tuesday, we ran two student focus groups - at the Middle School and High School. After briefly explaining the research we are engaged in, I asked students (approximately 14 students at each site) to discuss four questions:

  • What do you think would be positive about all students having a tablet computer?
  • What would concern you about all students having a tablet computer?
  • What would you expect your teachers to do differently if all students had a tablet computer?
  • Do you believe students would take care of a tablet computer? What procedures do you think would be appropriate if students misuse their tablet computer?
At the high school, we didn't get through all of the questions due to the depth of students answers for the first two questions. These students were incredible and their comments and questions were insightful.

We also held staff information sessions at the High School and Sibley Elementary. We plan to visit other schools later this week. While many staff are informed by being part of the working group or through building level discussion, we are making sure that everyone has an opportunity to hear an update on the progress of our research.

Finally, Dr. Richardson and I presented to the Northfield Rotary Club. This is a very large group of community stakeholders and we were very thankful for their time, attention, and questions.

We have scheduled two community presentations/feedback sessions:
  • Saturday, April 21st from 10 am - 12 pm
  • Tuesday, April 24 from 7 pm - 9 pm
Both sessions will be held at the Northfield Middle School Media Center.